
Showing posts from 2020

Trip to Dungtsho, Phajoding, Thimphu

Why I chose this trip? How do you feel when you know that you are near to your destination but can’t move a step further? Or rather how do you feel when you know that you can’t just skip your examinations? Your neck just tightens up right? The breathlessness feeling is worst and I somehow experienced this in our trip to Dungtsho. I don’t seemingly want to recollect those heavy steps I took but I deliberately want to sow the insight that life somehow works that way. Why do I always relate everything with life? It’s just because in one way or another, everything is related. The smooth path right now and a huge drama the next minute, a smile outside and the emptiness within, every phase of life got to be like a blooper. You laugh and learn through what you experienced. The trip or hike towards Dungtsho not only taught me about the value of not giving up but also taught that life works that way. Moreover the saying, “Together we can move hills” is what hit me as well. Do hang on with me ti

Walk through Kuenselphodrang-Depsi biking trail

With the zeal to delve through nature, found a way to get lost into woods in Thimphu with my friends. We knew about this trail through our only female solo traveller in the country @denkarsgetaway. She vlogged about this trail earlier and glad that we could use her work in some way. With my two friends, we started our journey at noon from changzamtok in a cab and headed towards the Buddha point first. After spending some time at Bhudha Dordenma, we headed down to the starting point of the biking trail. It takes about 10 minutes on walk to get to the starting point of the trail from Bhudha point and about 5-8 minutes drive from down i.e., DrukDruk school. We started our journey through the woods and the clear cut trail facinated me so much. It was such a blissful time walking through the pathway with so much peace. This is why I love hiking and travelling. You get lost for that moment and feels like you own the world. We being picture freak, we clicked so many pictures along the way. We

The concealed valley. Limbukha

Did you ever heard about this hidden valley of Limbukha in Punakha? The valley opens up to its best and I just couldn’t imagine its view in summer while I was awestruck with its winter serenity. This valley is pampered beautifully with large fields, chirping birds, traditionally carved houses and welcoming people. It is located somewhere when we cross the old age home in Tsho-chasa which is located at the peak of the mountain after we drive for about 20-30 minutes from the main highway of Punakha- Wangdue. This place took us into its roots through the dense forest of Lumsum community forest (CF). So let me tell you all why we were there for a night and two days. Actually we are in our final year and it’s by virtue of academics that we have to do a project work which is kind of research thesis but not exactly thesis. So for this, one of my friends had to do her data collection from that place. We went there as a helping hand. Starting from transportation to accommodation, we go

Trip to Kabji-Hoka Tsho, Punakha and COVID-19

Bhutan being very much sacred, there are many historic sites without which one cannot call it “The last Shangri-La”. To be precise, there are various holy water bodies among which lakes are one of the most significant variables in the history of Bhutan. Out of many lake s in Bhutan, I have been to Bari Tsho of Lampelri Park, Samtengang Lake in Wangdue and recently to Kabji-Hoka Tsho in Punakha. I consider this trip the most heart pleasing trip because so many things happened. As we were knocked down with Punakha Domchoe and Tshechu holidays, this trip came into existence. Actually it was a long awaited plan of ours and we are glad that we could make it happen this time. We here refer to fourteen of us. We planned for one night stay there at the lake camping and started our journey with all the necessary items on 5 th of March 2020. It took us around one hour drive from Khuruthang till the base point of the hike. It cost Nu.200 for each one of us in the cab. Before arrivin