Trip to Dungtsho, Phajoding, Thimphu

Why I chose this trip?

How do you feel when you know that you are near to your destination but can’t move a step further? Or rather how do you feel when you know that you can’t just skip your examinations? Your neck just tightens up right? The breathlessness feeling is worst and I somehow experienced this in our trip to Dungtsho. I don’t seemingly want to recollect those heavy steps I took but I deliberately want to sow the insight that life somehow works that way. Why do I always relate everything with life? It’s just because in one way or another, everything is related.
The smooth path right now and a huge drama the next minute, a smile outside and the emptiness within, every phase of life got to be like a blooper. You laugh and learn through what you experienced.

The trip or hike towards Dungtsho not only taught me about the value of not giving up but also taught that life works that way. Moreover the saying, “Together we can move hills” is what hit me as well. Do hang on with me till the end if you want to know why am I exactly telling these stuffs.

First thing, I saw many updates and posts about this particular lake and the trips people took but never in a time, had I seen anyone posting about the difficulty level you have to face while hiking there. But I did hear from my friends that the way is too long and may be I can’t walk. But I never took that into consideration. Somewhere in the corner of my mind, I thought that why can’t I make it when others can. So it was my own will that I decided for this trip.

With whom?

So I was in Thimphu already, just reached two days before the hike day from home (Wangdue). Neither there was a plan in my head about this trip nor was I ready with all the things. Just when I was done with meeting up my classmates, I had the idea that my other group of friends are planning for this trip that happens to be with whom I went but they weren’t so sure. So I just left with the note, ‘Do let me know’. The plan was to move back home the other day but I later found that they are willing to hike sooner the next day and included me as well. That group of friends are my college mates all in their 2nd year namely Yeshi Jamtsho (Kasha), Tashi Phuntsho (Tashila), Rinzin Lhendup and Dawa (Sultan). All of them have been a good friend and for some reason, they are always comfortable and fun to deal with though they aren’t my batch mates. I just want to go to their baby shower sooner. Jokes apart, I thank you all for taking me there.

When and how much time or days?

We started our first day hike on 17th June 2020 from the base point of Phajoding which is located at the uppermost side of Motithang. Five of us gathered at around 8am and started climbing up. So in brief, I can say that it took us more than 2 hours to reach at Phajoding monastery and from there we continued towards Thuji Dra which took us less than 2 hours. If you are a good hiker or walker, you can take less time than the mentioned one.

So total of around 4 hours to reach Thuji Dra and we requested the Koenyer there for a space for the night. Actually there are guest rooms but they don’t give us easily due to some reasons. However, we pleaded and then we got the room which you can see in the picture below.

Though I said we were five in total, you might be wondering who those other people are. We actually met them on the way who were towards the same destination and coincidentally two of them were from our own college with their 5 younger sisters. So we caught up together and did everything together from there.

After we had our lunch, we headed up to see one of the lakes out of six lakes which we thought was near and would take less time. But it was quite far. It took more than 2 hours to reach near the lake. The lake is known as “Tsiptsho”. What’s more sad is that that I couldn’t make it to that lake. As I ascended, my mild headache worsened and felt some kind of dizziness which made me walk much slower than my friends. I was left with few of them who also had difficult time walking. So I just gave up when I was almost there. They made it and came back. And that was at least heartwarming.

What I can recommend to future goers is that take rest at Thuj Dra or Phajoding if you are planning to spend a night camping. Or if you want to do a day trip also, it is possible. You can start early from base and reach back at around 9 pm or so dependently.

To be precise, it took us around 5 hours to reach Dungtsho from Thuji Dra the next day. We started at 7:30 am and reached at around 1 pm. But I believe we could have reached a bit earlier if we didn’t take the wrong way from mid-way. Oh my god, I was just so flustered that we were on the wrong way and had to turn back and walk extra but in a way I am just glad that we didn’t give up and continued. I just want to remind future hikers to be conscious of the direction boards along the way which we just didn’t notice. Be vigilant.

Personal Experience

Do you know that I personally just gave up at the first night for the next day towards Dungtsho? I was having tough time with headache and dizziness which made me eat nothing at all. I just couldn’t eat anything. The night was cold but we withstood it and woke up next morning with no headache but I was mentally scared for myself and said to my friends that I don’t want to continue but they somehow convinced me that I can and I decided to try. If in case I can’t walk from midway, I thought to return.

The hike from Thuji Dra till the chorten was really difficult and I assume that that’s the worst part of all. If you can overcome that path, then you can walk slowly until you reach Dungtsho because the trail is so beautiful and the path is just comfortably walk able. But you shouldn’t be suffering from any kind of headache or breathing problem. That might be risky.

I sincerely want to thank the people behind for pushing me to make it to Dungtsho when the entire trip seemed so vague to me. Your single gesture and action made my hike easier. May be you guys won’t think about it much but seriously, your presence and constant support made this possible. Or just if you don’t believe, climb up from Base till Phajoding seemed so short for me which actually took 2 hours which is so long of a hiking time for me. I am just glad I went WITH YOU ALL.

And guess what readers; even if it was said as a part of non-essential talks, it was my farewell for graduation from them juniors ha-ha. Farewell at above 3500 masl! Will just take that into account.

Journey Back

The satisfaction you get after reaching to the destination is what we were craving for throughout the journey. But it was so cold and windy up there near the lake. So cold that our hands felt numb even to click pictures. You can just see it for real in my vlog that will out after few days.

We started to descend after spending few time near the lake. The hike down was no less difficult than hike up. Since it rained whole journey hiking up, it left our clothes all wet which made me suffer the most. My body was literally shaking while walking down. Tried myself normalizing and after an hour or so I started feeling better with altitude and our random talks. I felt so good that time for the entire trip. Just wish that that didn’t end. We clicked pictures on the way and had the most humorous conversations.

We were back to Thuji Dra at 6 pm and we packed and then left the room. It rained as we started descending and god knows how we were just done with energy to even climb down. Our legs ached so much.

Things you should keep in mind!

  1. If you feel that you are having difficult time to breathe or feel any kind of headache or dizziness, descend down immediately.
  2. Take water.
  3. Mountains are beautiful; don’t forget to take pictures even if you are tired because you never know when you will reach back.
  4. Be vigilant along the way.
  5. There are other lakes along the way. Do notice it ad its name.
  6. Have the best circle of people for this hike.
  7. Lastly all I can say is, if you are just tired and don’t want to continue the hike, please don’t give up because that can be combatted with your will to reach the destination. Only if your health doesn’t favor, then you might quit.
I would like to thank you for reading till the end and if you liked it, do leave a comment. And If you want to virtually feel the vibes, do watch my Dungtsho vlog. It will be out soon. So stay tuned.

Thanking you
Deki Tshomo (Odyssey with Tshomo)


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